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Tired of high cost ED (erectile dysfunction) medication?

Does the cost of ED drugs prevent you from getting your prescriptions filled?

Morton's Pharmacy may be able to help. Sildenafil, the same active ingredient in Viagra®, is now available in a generic 20mg tablet, and is MUCH cheaper than Viagra®. Sildenafil is the FDA approved generic of Revatio® 20mg. There is no generic equivalent to Viagra. Click Here for more information.

Announcing Morton's Generic Drug Program

Cheaper than mail order. Cheaper than your Copays. Nearly 60 drugs including generic versions of Lipitor, Plavix, Prevacid, Diovan, Actos, and Zoloft. Many of these drugs are NOT on those big box store discount lists.

Save Money. Save trips to the pharmacy. Shop local. Don't let your insurance tell you which pharmacy to use.

Call Morton's Pharmacy for details or check out the full list on this site.

Promotion is for a 6-12 month supply of drugs at typical doses. List can change at anytime.

Some drugs are considered basic and are $26 per 6 months. A few are premium and are $10 - $20 more per 6 month supply but most are $37 or less for 6 months.